Thank you for investing time in DiEM25. It is our collective efforts that make the difference!
And here you find a description on how Mattermost works (link to video):
You can use Mattermost either in your browser or download the app to your phone and/or laptop/computer.
We recommend to install Mattermost as a program, so you get the notification and have a better experience, when using it.
Here is how you do it:
Mattermost is structured in different teams and everyone has their own profile.
You can see the different teams you are in on the very left and switch between them.
On the top right you can see a profile button. Two requests for your profile:
Most importantly: Be kind to each other! Many people are helping to organise in their free time, they deserve a welcoming, friendly and energetic environment.
Here you find DiEM25's Code of Conduct that is to be followed in all circumstances. Our Volunteer Coordinator will step in, should that not be the case to keep a good atmosphere. Thank you for understanding!
Here you find a video with an introduction to the tool. Please watch.
Boards are a new feature of Mattermost that will allow us to organise better together. Find a video here that shows the details (link to video):
Here you can put order in the tasks of your team or group, put them into different lists, give them a status and a date.
You then have the possibility to look at your tasks in a calendar, to do list or kanban organisation and keep the overview as a team.
If you have any question with something from the above: Feel free to reach out to
Carpe DiEM